
The editor inside your head. Nasty editor, that Headitor!

Writer's Block, you say?

It might just be your sucky Headitor. Same as it ever was, for me, year after year, except: I'm now engaged in cognitive behavioral therapy for myself. It works! And this site has become part of my "journaling" efforts (or at least that's my excuse to keep it lol).

Allow me to introduce to you to my own Headitor, the editor that exists inside my head. He's not the cause of my writer's block, but he sure doesn't help.

Things My Headitor Says...

"It can't be writer's block if you're not a writer, dumbass."

"You'll never be good at this writing thing, EVER. It takes talent, which obviously you don't have.

Maybe learn to code?"

"I'd try to motivate you if I thought it would help."

"Cures for writer's block? You don't need that.... just stop wasting your time trying to be something you're not."

"My nephew just published his second novel. He's 15. It's #1 on Amazon.

I'll get you a signed copy if it'll help make you feel better about your failure as a writer."

"I hear Writer's Block can be cured by just writing. Who knew."

"Every good novel starts out as a blank page, just like your roll of toilet paper."

"OMG you're not trying this again. My Lord."

"Hey, Genius. Wake up. If you could write, you'd have written something by now, yes?"

"You are worthless, and everybody knows it.


"If you were really a copywriter, you'd copy someone's great work.

But you can't even do that right."

"So much for today. You missed your chance.

It's over. Go home."

"Why do you even bother trying? I mean really... it's embarrassing. Nothing is going to change.

It never does."

"What, you again? Didn't you learn last time?"

"You'd have more fun if you logged into FaceSuck, Twitterverse, or InstaWaste.

Go on... you know you want to."

Mary added a nasty quip...

Bob hearted Vida's clever comment...

"You're missing out."

"Looks like your forgot to bring your game today.

Why not just quit now and avoid the pain?"

"Write? You? Hah.. seriously. You can't write.

When's the last time you wrote anything good?"

"Want to hear a good joke? Say your name out loud. No, seriously. Do it, you idiot."

"Oh sure, you can do it. Just start with a word or two. Or just quit now and go get a coffee. And maybe some chocolate cake.

Yummy cake."